Product Focus: Designing the Bond Tablet Sleeve
Sometime in mid-April, Ryan and I were at a café when a stranger approached us.
“Hi guys, are you the founders of Faire Collective?” He handed me a business card. “I’m Josh, I bought your padfolio and it’s amazing, but I was just wondering if you guys could make something even smaller and lighter?”
I invited him to join us at our table and we had an engaging, hour-long discussion centred around his product ideas. I found out that Josh was a property agent and he shared about some of the items that he and his colleagues carry with them on a daily basis.
At the close of our conversation, I thanked Josh and decided to immediately record the ideas that had been sparked off by our discussion. I sketched drawings based on this new concept of a smaller slim tech organizer. I started by figuring out the dimensions that would accommodate most tablets. Next, I looked at the daily-carry items mentioned by Josh and consulted data collected from prior focus group sessions. I then modified my sketches that I thought would be the most applicable to the general public.
The very first iteration of the Tablet Sleeve had only one compartment with a top zip closure, besides a few other differences from the final product.
I eventually decided that having an open compartment with a flap closure would be more suitable for a slim tech organizer. I also added an extra compartment for daily essentials such as keys, pens, mobile phones, portable chargers and cables. Upon including the iconic front slip handle featured in the Bond Everyday Padfolio and Specter Travel Wallet, I was satisfied with the overall design and passed my sketches to our product designers for refinement. The Bond Tablet Sleeve was born soon after.
SHOP: The Bond Tablet Sleeve